In June of 2021 I was presented with, offered and accepted a publishing deal with a very formidable curriculum book publisher. For the past 11 months I have been dedicating the vast majority of my free time to writing this book. So if I passed on some invites to shows, parties, or lunches, now you know why.
When I was initially offered the deal I knew it would be a big undertaking, to the point, that for months I told no one about the contractual commitment I had made – I had to write a book. What I discovered in the course of writing 18 chapters over nearly a year’s time, is that this was not a big task, but rather an arduous one.
I wrote at all hours of the day and night, at prescribed times and at others when, inspired. There were numerous other distractions and responsibilities; school, maintaining a balanced life, reaching out to a few friends periodically, responsibilities with home and family, and then there was always – the book. The sometimes dreaded yet at other times the opportune book.
I was fortunate and honored to have a select few friends and colleagues contribute to the book, most importantly my co-author; Jerry Brindisi.
I’m pleased to announce the book, (in its entirety), is complete.
My intent is to update this blog weekly keeping you in the loop in the process of the book being published, and other topics that motivate me to express my insight or opinion. It’s my hope that you might join me.